Nutrition Response Testing - Natural Health Solutions

Watch Leading NRT Practitioner, Dr. Louis Granier introduces Nutrition Response Testing.

What is Nutrition Response Testing?

Developed in the 1990s by Dr. Freddie Ulan, Nutrition Response Testing (NRT)  is a non evasive examination using the body's organs to identify imbalances that are causing severe or chronic illness. Also called "muscle testing," the NRT Practitioner uses this technique to find weakened parts of the body related to the illness the patient seeks to heal.

In most cases, a long term improper diet or allergic reaction to a food or type of food is the underlying cause of illness. The symptoms start minimal and grow as the imbalance becomes more severe. The NRT Practitioner will identify these reactions and offer a balanced whole food supplement agenda and dietary changes. The patient comes back for further testing to check the progress of the treatment and adjust the plan as necessary.

Nutrition Response Testing -by Dr. Louis Granirer

How it Differs from Conventional Medicine

Conventional doctors typically offer a traditional treatment that often combats only their symptoms and may cause uncomfortable side effects. The screening offered rarely traces the original cause of the ailment.

The lack of details patients receive from these screenings makes it challenging for them to change their behaviors and heal the underlying issue. Conventional means do not always help the patient reduce their risk of future ailments and may not help with pain or immune system concerns that affect overall feelings of wellness.

Nutritional response testing will reveal overall patient health, as determined by the functioning strength of each organ. The specialist will test muscle response that correlates with each organ to detect weaknesses. The testing does not require any invasive means.

The tests enable the practitioner to see how chemicals in the environment and food have affected the patient. The treatment then uses natural methods through diet and supplements to encourage the body to heal and strengthen. Repeated testing at future visits will monitor the changes and improvements, and adaptions to the plan occur as needed.

What Does Nutritional Response Testing Treat?

Following this treatment can resolve a variety of physical and emotional ailments. Patients will remain under observation throughout the process to allow the provider to adapt their treatment to their immediate needs. The types of conditions that nutritional response testing can treat vary greatly.

People can use nutritional response testing for immune system strengthening, food or environmental allergies, and general malaise. The testing can enable people to boost the function of their digestive system, improve joint health, and much more.

Who Would Benefit from Nutritional Response Testing?

Everyone has the potential to benefit from the testing because it can identify problems as they begin. It is a valuable and safe screening process that detects concerns even before any noticeable signs exist. As a result, improvements in diet plans can help the patient avoid many forms of illness or pain.

Nutritional Response Testing also helps patients with a variety of existing health concerns. Patients may request a test because of chronic pain, insomnia, an inability to lose weight, and much more. People may want to use the process alongside another medical treatment or use it to help them recover after completing strenuous treatments, like cancer care. Patients with chronic pain who fear the potentially dangerous side effects of opioids may choose to try the treatment to alleviate their pain naturally.

Patients who follow their doctor's instructions and attend all follow-up exams to adapt their plan as their health improves benefit the most from nutritional response testing. The methods used can help people regain their health, but they are not cures. People must remain on the recommended diets and continue with supplements unless they can remove the stressors that led to their initial problems.

Results Possible with Nutritional Response Testing

The results of nutritional response testing will vary based on the diagnosed concern and the patient's adherence to the plan. Some patients may begin to see substantial improvements in a few weeks. Other people may need a few months to notice the improvement because of the severity of their condition. Many people experience marked improvements in their overall health and begin to enjoy weight loss, more energy, and other improvements they had not expected.

Nutritional Response Testing reviews the health of the organs and finds what ones are under stress. It can help diagnose the problems the patient complains about and underlying medical concerns they were unaware had begun. The treatment offers a pain-free, affordable, and non-invasive method compared to other forms of medical screenings. Natural supplements and dietary changes can address the specific problem and boost overall health. The process can also educate the patient about their body and how their environment and diet can affect them.

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